1860-01-01 "Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The School Teacher and the Waif
The Baby and the Stork
Le Spéculateur en grains
The Sands of Dee
An Unseen Enemy
A Royal Romance
The Old Actor
The House with Closed Shutters
When a Man Loves
The Baron
Through Darkening Vales
The Usurer
Fate's Turning
Muggsy's First Sweetheart
War and the Woman
A Midnight Cupid
The Tragedy of a Dress Suit
Thirty a Week
A Flash of Light
The Primal Call
Black and White
Love in Quarantine
The Manicure Lady
For His Son
The Golden Supper
The Making of a Man
Enoch Arden
Muggsy Becomes a Hero
In the Bishop's Carriage
Waiter No. 5
Just Like a Woman
The Long Road
The Marked Time-Table
A Wreath of Orange Blossoms
Two Little Waifs
Little Angels of Luck
The Failure
Lena and the Geese
The Masher
The Two Paths
The Unveiling
When Love Was Blind
The Message of the Violin