1903-12-30 "Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA"
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Calling All Girls
Men of the Sky
The Tanks Are Coming
La Rivière d'argent
Cruise of the Zaca
Winning Your Wings
The Couch
One Who Came Back
Cease Fire!
Alice in Movieland
The Royal Rodeo
Snow Carnival
Continental Holiday
Old Hickory
Qu'as-tu fait à la guerre, papa ?
L'Or des pistoleros
Wings of Steel
Meet the Fleet
The Thread of Life
Gateways to the Mind
The Blue Danube
Alpine Glory
Carnival in Rio
Night Unto Night
Manhunt in the Jungle
March On, America!
Soldiers in White
The River Changes
My Country 'Tis of Thee
Alex in Wonderland
Service with the Colors
About Time
Winter Paradise
The Seeing Eye
Thar She Blows!
The Lady and the Lug
Darling Lili