1885-01-31 "Kerney, Missouri, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The Million Dollar Collar
Scarem Much
Vitesse Kid
Pour gagner sa vie
Hearts and Planets
Fatty's Day Off
Mabel's Dramatic Career
He Would a Hunting Go
The Great Toe Mystery
Shot in the Excitement
Ambrose's First Falsehood
A Bird's a Bird
A Lover's Lost Control
A Submarine Pirate
Her Torpedoed Love
Hearts and Flowers
Un béguin de Charlot
Charlot nudiste
Mabel au volant
Charlot et les Saucisses
Charlot et le Mannequin
Charlot et Fatty dans le ring
Charlot grande coquette
Charlot rival d'amour
Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte
Fatty's Tintype Tangle
Fatty’s Reckless Fling
Fatty’s Faithful Fido
Fatty’s Chance Acquaintance
Leading Lizzie Astray
That Little Band Of Gold
Love in Armor
Love, Speed and Thrills
Time Out for Romance
The Dome Doctor
Father's Son
Ten Dollars or Ten Days
The Bakery
The Show
The Cannon Ball