1878-12-26 "New York City, New York, USA"
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The Light of Western Stars
The Thundering Herd
A Cowboy's Best Girl
Ils étaient tous mes fils
Le Bataillon des sans-amour
Code secret
Trailing Trouble
The Star Witness
Behind the Make-Up
Dr. Socrates
Four Jacks and a Jill
L'Ange blanc
White Gold
Jaws of Steel
Iron to Gold
The Man Who Found Himself
Menaces sur la ville
The Finger Points
Robin Hood of El Dorado
Deux bons copains
The Singing Fool
Smashing the Money Ring
The Sport Parade
Men with Wings
The Devil Within
Je suis un criminel
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Blackwell's Island
Two Thoroughbreds
A chaque aube je meurs
Beau Geste
The Valiant
The Light That Failed
The Man I Love
Septième district
La Dernière Fanfare
Procès de singe
Those Who Dance
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Murder with Pictures
The Notorious Lone Wolf
20 Mule Team
Skin Deep
The Sea God
I Sell Anything
Fortunes rapides
Les Hommes de la mer
Le Lys du ruisseau
Wildcat Bus
Le champion
Pension d'artistes
Dressed to Kill
Good Luck, Mr. Yates
Diamond Jim
Jackass Mail
Juvenile Court
The Chief
La Charge fantastique
The Great Man's Lady
La Femme de l'année
The Accusing Finger
Le Mouchard
Slapsie Maxie's
L'heure du Crime
Finger Prints
Me, Gangster
Joy of Living
Mon homme Godfrey
The River Pirate
Les mendiants de la vie
The Big Street
The Egg and I
Rose de minuit
Ses premières ailes
Red Light