1903-03-11 "Andes, New York, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Un Jour aux courses
Joy Ride
Wine, Women and Song
The Girl and the Gambler
Sunset Murder Case
The Law West of Tombstone
So This Is Africa
City Girl
Public Stenographer
High Hat
Western Jamboree
Battle of Broadway
Sailor's Luck
Misbehaving Husbands
The Gay Deception
On Again—Off Again
It Always Happens
X Marks the Spot
Racing Luck
I'll Take Romance
Trois camarades
A Dangerous Affair
La Grande Farandole
Under Suspicion
Here's to Romance
Stolen Paradise
The Mayor of 44th Street
Unknown Blonde
Franc Jeu
A Girl's Best Years
Hollywood, Hollywood
I Love That Man
Romance in the Dark
His Weak Moment