1943-07-29 "Brooklyn, New York, USA"
Biographie - Martha Rosler est une artiste plasticienne et enseignante américaine née à Brooklyn en 1943. Elle vit et travaille à Brooklyn, New York.
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A Budding Gourmet
Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply Obtained
A Simple Case for Torture, or How to Sleep at Night
Born to be Sold: Martha Rosler Reads the Strange Case of Baby $/M
Semiotics of the Kitchen
Martha Rosler Reads "Vogue"
Martha Rosler: An Interview
Backyard Economy 2 (Diane Germain Mowing)
Backyard Economy 1
Flower Fields
If it's too bad to be true, it could be DISINFORMATION
Chile on the Road to NAFTA, Accompanied by the National Police Band
Losing: A Conversation with the Parents
Secrets From the Street: No Disclosure
Domination and the Everyday
Pencicle of Praise
Semiotics of the Kitchen: An Audition
Museums will eat your lunch
How Do We Know What Home Looks Like? The Unité d’Habitation of Le Corbusier at Firminy, France
Prototype (God Bless America)
Because This Is Britain
The East Is Red, The West Is Bending