1863-08-28 "New York City, New York, USA"
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A Regiment of Two
Flicker Flashbacks #2
The Feudists
A Florida Enchantment
Too Clever by Half
The Story of a Glove
Fox Trot Finesse
Her Anniversaries
By Might of His Right
The Professional Patient
Goodness Gracious
A Horseshoe for Luck
His Wife Knew About It
The Deceivers
The Professional Scapegoat
A Telegraphic Tangle
Beautiful Thoughts
A Case of Eugenics
A Safe Investment
Jerry's Mother-in-Law
A Lesson in Jealousy
The Master Painter
Safety First
Nothing to Wear
A Close Resemblance
The Unmarried Look
Twelve Good Hens and True
Lest We Forget
Miss Sticky-Moufie-Kiss
Auntie's Portrait
Boobley's Baby
Wanted, a Nurse
How John Came Home
His First Tooth
Playing Dead
Diplomatic Henry
Pay Day
The Homecoming of Henry