1918-02-28 "Peckham, London, England, UK"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Les Enfants des damnés
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Night Caller
Commando sur le Yang Tsé
Operation Amsterdam
Confession à un cadavre
The Angry Silence
The Man Upstairs
The Man Who Finally Died
Dead Lucky
La Brigade des bérets noirs
Guns in the Heather
Pope John Paul II
Man at the Carlton Tower
Les Procès d'Oscar Wilde
Edward the Confessor
The Last Reunion
A Rod of Iron
Let's Be Happy
The Pot Carriers
Amère Victoire
Locker Sixty-Nine
The House on Garibaldi Street
Model for Murder
Harry Potter et la Chambre des secrets
The Lady of the Camellias
She Knows Y'Know
Un mari presque fidèle
Les Trafiquants de la nuit
The Man Inside
Police internationale
The Small World of Sammy Lee
Crooks Anonymous
Ladies' Night
Farewell Performance
Inspector Ghote Moves In