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Ballad to Cornwallis
Buying Sex
Race Is a Four-Letter Word
Courage to Change
Margaret Perry: Filmmaker
Shift Change
In Bed with an Elephant
Under the Weather
The Brothers Byrne
Beyond Borders: Arab Feminists Talk About Their Lives... East and West
The Gods of Our Fathers
Hunters and Bombers
Taking Stock
Jordan River Anderson, le messager
Jeux de la XXIème olympiade
A Sigh and a Wish: Helen Creighton's Maritimes
Reading Alistair MacLeod
Celtic Edge
Fields of Endless Day
Moses Coady
Empty Harbours, Empty Dreams
Julie O'Brien
In Love and Anger: Milton Acorn - Poet
The Scholar in Society: Northrop Frye in Conversation
Where the Bay Becomes the Sea
Harder Than It Looks
Mi'kmaq Family (Migmaoei Otjiosog)
The Spirit of Annie Mae
Words of My Perfect Teacher
I Made a Vow
Brother 2 Brother
Cohen's War
The Man of a Thousand Songs