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Ballad to Cornwallis
Buying Sex
Race Is a Four-Letter Word
Courage to Change
Margaret Perry: Filmmaker
In Bed with an Elephant
Shift Change
Under the Weather
The Brothers Byrne
Beyond Borders: Arab Feminists Talk About Their Lives... East and West
The Gods of Our Fathers
Hunters and Bombers
Taking Stock
Jordan River Anderson, le messager
Jeux de la XXIème olympiade
Celtic Edge
Reading Alistair MacLeod
A Sigh and a Wish: Helen Creighton's Maritimes
Fields of Endless Day
Moses Coady
Empty Harbours, Empty Dreams
Julie O'Brien
In Love and Anger: Milton Acorn - Poet
The Scholar in Society: Northrop Frye in Conversation
Where the Bay Becomes the Sea
Harder Than It Looks
Mi'kmaq Family (Migmaoei Otjiosog)
The Spirit of Annie Mae
Words of My Perfect Teacher
I Made a Vow
Brother 2 Brother
Cohen's War
The Man of a Thousand Songs