1971-02-11 "Ann Arbor, Michigan"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Odysseus and the Oceanic Feeling
The Illinois Parables
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
The Extravagant Shadows
Ordinary Time, Equivocal Inventory
China monumentis (A Roll for Peter)
The Heart is the Residence of the Spirit
Secret History of the Dividing Line
Hardwood Process
This Day’s Madness did prepare Tomorrow’s Silence
What The Water Said, Nos. 4-6
The Great Art of Knowing
Shrimp Boat Log
What The Water Said, Nos. 1-3
So Sure of Nowhere Buying Times to Come
What Places of Heaven, What Planets Directed, How Long the Effects? or, The General Accidents of the World
Moxon’s Mechanick Exercises or the Doctrine of Handy-Works Applied to the Art of Printing
Film for Invisible Ink, case no. 323. Once Upon a Time in the West
By Pain and Rhyme and Arabesques of Foraging
Film for Invisible Ink case no. 71: BASE-PLUS-FOG
Silver Align
The Enjoyment of Reading, Lost and Found
Fragrant Portals, Bright Particulars and the Edge of Space
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions
Narrow Rivers, Open Seas & Seventeen Sunsets (Silences for A Merchant Mariner)
The Matter Propounded, of Its Possibility and Impossibility, Treated in Four Parts
Film for Invisible Ink, Case No. 142: ABBREVIATION FOR DEAD WINTER [Diminished by 1,794]
Journals and Remarks
How to Conduct a Love Affair
Today! (excerpts)
Today! (excerpts #28 and #19)