1878-08-22 "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The Long Road
Helen's Marriage
When the Fire-Bells Rang
The Would-Be Shriner
With a Kodak
A Dash Through the Clouds
Murphy's I.O.U.
The Fickle Spaniard
A Spanish Dilemma
The Baron
Cupid in a Dental Parlor
Algy on the Force
Help! Help!
Mabel's Stratagem
Katchem Kate
A Voice from the Deep
The Gangsters
Her Birthday Present
The Grey Sentinel
Bangville Police
Mabel au volant
Cohen Collects a Debt
Riley and Schultze
The New Neighbor
The Beating He Needed
The Ambitious Butler
Pedro's Dilemma
The Flirting Husband
Stolen Glory
The Deacon's Troubles
At It Again
The Rivals
A Desperate Lover
Mabel's Lovers
Mr. Fixit
A Bear Escape
Pat's Day Off
The Speed Demon
Bath Tub Perils
A Deaf Burglar
Josh's Suicide
Hoffmeyer's Legacy
What Happened to Jones
$500 Reward
Mabel’s Adventures
A Double Wedding
Hot Stuff
Brown’s Séance
The Engagement Ring
The Diving Girl
Through His Wife’s Picture
Why He Gave Up
A Victim of Circumstance
The Cure That Failed
Father’s Choice
The Foreman of the Jury
Her New Beau
Hubby’s Job
Just Brown’s Luck
Heinze’s Resurrection
The Sleuths at the Floral Parade
Those Good Old Days
A Family Mixup
Drummer’s Vacation
A Midnight Elopement
My Valet
The Battle of Who Run
Mabel’s Heroes
Red Hot Romance
The Rural Third Degree
Saving Mabel’s Dad
The Rube and the Baron
At Twelve O’Clock
It's a Bear!
Without Hope