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Malen mit Licht
Eurocrime! The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the '70s
The Grand Opening
Der Fall der vier Fliegen
Two Men Alone
Quelli del Maledetto Treno Blindato - Making of 'Inglorious Bastards'
Der Klang des Tötens
Of Fire And Darkness
Erika et le diable
Die Welt der Barbaren
Sartana Shoots First
Tinto Brass: The Orgy Of Power
Of Pigs and Men
Of Flies and Maggots
Edwige, Queen of Giallo
Private Pictures
Just for the Money
Raising Pino
All the Colors of Giallo
Memories of a Young Pianist
Les femmes de pierre
The Gory Days of Le Brady
Giallo Western