1909-07-18 "Des Moines, Iowa, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The Movie Orgy
En suivant la flotte
The Falcon Strikes Back
Confessions of Boston Blackie
Harem Scarem
A Christmas for Boomer
The Life of the Party
Here Come the Nelsons
New Faces of 1937
Cocoanut Grove
Autoroute pour la mort
The First Time
Sweetheart of the Campus
Hi, Good Lookin'!
The Kid with the 200 I.Q.
Hi, Buddy
Swingtime Johnny
Honeymoon Lodge
Take It Big
Canal Zone
Juke Box Jenny
Gals, Incorporated
Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra
High School U.S.A.
Disneyland '59