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Birth of a Nation
Diaries, Notes, and Sketches
Goodbye in the Mirror
Peyote Queen
An Experiment in Meditation
Third Eye Butterfly
Jefferson Market
Leaves, Bushes, Snake, Pearls, Woman in Half-Mask
Jonas in the Brig
For Life, Against the War
Silently, Bearing Totem of a Bird
Trap Dance
September Express
Film Magazine of the Arts
A Reticule of Love
The Recurring Dream
Malevich at the Guggenheim
Ives House-Woodstock
Charlotte Moorman's Avant-Garde Festival #9
Cine-Songs Program
Shaman, A Tapestry for Sorcerers
The Tattooed Man
Geometrics of the Kabbalah
Cayuga Run
Wintergarden. Hudson River Diary Book: III
River Ghost. Hudson River Diary Book: IV
Lace of Summer
Sing Lotus
Journey Around a Zero
Deep in the Mirror Embedded