1892-08-16 "Union City, New Jersey, USA"
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Felix Through the Years
Cartoon Carnival
Otto Messmer and Felix the Cat
100 Years of Felix the Cat
Felix the Cat Kept On Walking
Musical Mews
The Adventures of Felix
A Frolic With Felix
Felix the Big Game Hunter
Wrecking a Romeo
Felix the Food Controller
Felix the Pinch Hitter
Foxy Felix
A Hungry Hoodoo
The Great Cheese Robbery
Felix and the Feed Bag
Nifty Nurse
My Hero
Felix the Landlord
Felix's Fish Story
Felix the Gay Dog
Down on the Farm
Free Lunch
Felix Goes on Strike
Felix Out of Luck
The Love Punch
Felix Left at Home
Felix at the Fair
Felix All at Sea
Felix Finds a Way
Felix on the Trail
Felix Gets Left
Felix Calms His Conscience
Felix the Globe Trotter
Felix Laughs Last
Felix and the Radio
Felix Fills a Shortage
Felix the Goat Getter
Felix Loses Out
Felix 'Hyps' the Hippo
Felix Tries to Rest
Felix Cashes In
Felix Fairy Tales
Felix Puts It Over
A Friend In Need
Baffled by Banjos
Felix Minds His Business
Felix Finishes First
Felix Wins and Loses
Felix Rests in Peace
Felix Full o' Fight
Felix Outwits Cupid
Felix Busts Into Business
My Boy's Kid
Presenting Felix the Cat: The Otto Messmer Classics 1919 - 1924
Felix the Cat Trips Thru Toyland
Sax Appeal
Felix Goes Hungry
Felix Grabs His Grub
Felix Cops the Prize
Felix in Hollywood
Sure-Locked Homes
One Good Turn
False Vases
Felix Doubles for Darwin
Skulls and Sculls
Forty Winks
Two-Lip Time
Felix the Cat Busts a Bubble
Feline Follies
Felix the Cat Dines and Pines
Felix in the Bone Age
Felix Minds the Kid
Felix Lends a Hand
Felix in the Swim
Felix Saves the Day
Felix Turns the Tide
Jack From All Trades
Whys and Otherwise
The Non-Stop Fright
Germ Mania
Felix the Cat as Romeeow
Felix the Cat Switches Witches
Daze and Knights
Felix the Cat Ducks His Duty
Flim Flam Films
Felix the Cat Hits the Deck
Felix the Ghost Breaker
Felix in Fairyland
Felix Win's Out
Felix Gets Broadcasted
Outdoor Indore
Felix Goes A-Hunting
Felix Finds Out
Felix All Balled Up
Felix Follows the Swallows
Felix Dopes It Out
Felix Gets His Fill
Felix All Puzzled
Felix Finds ’Em Fickle
Felix Gets the Can
Felix Monkeys with Magic
Eats Are West
Felix the Cat Braves the Briny
The Cat and the Kit
Felix Gets Revenge
Felix Pinches the Pole
The Hypnotist
Times Square Animation
Charley Out West
Felix Goes West
Felix Frolics at the Circus
Felix Brings Home the Bacon
Felix Comes Back
Land O'Fancy
Woos Whoopee
Felix the Cat Shatters the Sheik
Draggin' the Dragon
Felix Trifles with Time
Felix the Cat Hunts the Hunter
Felix Hits the North Pole
The Smoke Scream
Uncle Tom's Crabbin'
No Fuelin'
Felix the Cat Misses His Swiss
Felix the Cat Weathers the Weather
Felix the Cat Flirts with Fate
The Love Affair of Ima Knut
Felix the Cat in Blunderland
Bargain Counter Attack
Casper et ses amis
Tee Time
Une production minable
Du Super Popeye
Lulu's Birthday Party
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Spree for All
Nimbus libéré
'Loco' Motive
Felix Revolts
Felix Crosses the Crooks
The Oily Bird
Felix in Love
Felix Makes Good
Felix Wakes Up
Felix Fifty-Fifty
Felix Tries for Treasure
Felix Strikes It Rich
Un précieux trésor
Fusée pour Mars
In and Out-Laws