1866-01-19 "Canton, Pennsylvania, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Le Chant du Missouri
Autant en emporte le vent
Jack London
Reckless Living
Earl of Puddlestone
The Covered Trailer
Vous ne l'emporterez pas avec vous
Six destins
Deux sœurs vivaient en paix
L'introuvable rentre chez lui
La Dynastie des Forsyte
Les Quatre Filles du docteur March
Ma femme est un grand homme
Illusions perdues
La Coqueluche de Paris
Le Courage de Lassie
The Amazing Mrs. Holliday
Sport of Kings
Et La Parole Fut…
La ville gronde
Larceny, Inc.
La Dame au manteau d'hermine
L'Exubérante Smoky
One Foot in Heaven
A Boy, a Girl and a Dog
Damon and Pythias
La Balle magique du Docteur Ehrlich
Pearl Harbour
Gangway for Tomorrow
She Wouldn't Say Yes
First Lady
Jour de chance
Cupidon mène la danse
Un homme a disparu
The Man from Texas
Les Marins de l'Orgueilleux
The Impatient Years
The Enchanted Forest
The Fabulous Texan
Music for Millions
Pardon My Past
This Love of Ours
Ten Gentlemen from West Point
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air
I Want a Divorce
The Unknown Quantity
King of Hockey
Claudia and David
Paradise Express
Fit for a King
That Hagen Girl
Lady Luck
Keeper of the Bees
Correspondant 17
His Woman
My Sin
Madame et son cowboy
Exile Express
Gold Is Where You Find It
Young Fugitives
The First Hundred Years
Crimes sans châtiment
For the Love of Mary
Armored Car
Fiancée contre remboursement
Wells Fargo
Tail Spin
Le chevalier de la vengeance
The Men Who Made the Movies: Vincente Minnelli
Faithful in My Fashion
The Decision of Christopher Blake
Radio Patrol
The Case of the Black Cat
Granny Get Your Gun
The Long Shot
Le lien sacré
Juarez et Maximilien
Her Husband's Secretary
Hurricane Smith
Should Husbands Work?
Le Goujat
G.I. War Brides
L'Étrange Incident
Fly Away Baby
La Petite Exilée
Nuits de bal
White Bondage
The Higgins Family
My Wife's Relatives
Money To Burn
Grandpa Goes To Town
Too Young to Know
Partenaires chanceux
Trop de maris
La Vie d'Émile Zola
Stallion Road
Three Wise Fools
Under Cover of Night
A Boy and His Dog
L'Homme de la rue
Headin' for God's Country
We've Never Been Licked
Death of a Champion
Tell It to the Judge
No More West
Marie Antoinette
As Good as Married
Get That Venus
L'escadrille des jeunes
The Wheel of the Law
The Millionaire's Double
Tillie Wakes Up
For a Woman’s Fair Name
A Woman Alone