1881-09-16 "Paris, France"
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The Brilliant Biograph - Les Plus Anciennes Images Filmées d'Europe 1897-1902
Pope Leo XIII Resting on His Way to His Summer Villa
Pope Leo XIII Walking at Twilight, No. 1
The Vatican Military Guard, Consisting of a Detachment of Noble Guards, Commanded by Count Pecci, Followed by a Palatine Guard of Honour, Swiss Guard, Gendarmes and Fire Brigade
Arrival of the Queen at the Palace, Amsterdam, Sept 6th (Coronation of Wilhelmina)
Review of the Royal Netherland Guards in the Costumes of the Middle Ages (Coronation of Wilhelmina Guard of Honor)
The Royal Procession to the Church before the Ceremony (Coronation of Wilhelmina)
The Royal Procession from the Church after the Ceremony (Coronation of Wilhelmina)
The Queen and the Queen Mother on the Palace Balcony Responding to the Call of the Populace (Coronation of Wilhelmina)
Le canal Prinsengracht
Naar 't Tolhuis
Bloemencorso te Haarlem op 4 Juni 1899
Visserijvlootrevue bij Muiden
Een trambestorming op zondag op den dam
Watersnood in buurt YY
Na afloop der kindervoorstelling in den Circus Carré, 13 september
Amsterdams Vreemdelingenverkeer
Een kinderfeest op ‘t eiland Marken
Aankomst der vredesconferentie te Haarlem, 4 Juni 1899
Captain Deasy's Daring Drive, Ascent
Captain Deasy's Daring Drive, Descent
Molens van de Zaanstreek
De Zieke Gemeente-ambtenaar
Dokter Weet Raad
Tolhuis! Kiele! Kiele!
Pope Leo XIII Leaving Carriage and Being Ushered Into Garden, No. 104
Pope Leo XIII Carried through the Vatican Loggia on His Way to the Sistine Chapel
Ultus and the Grey Lady