1899-01-05 "Douglass, Kansas, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The Temple of Venus
Rugged Water
What Price Glory
The Golden Princess
The Hollywood Kid
Nobody's Widow
Hearts and Flowers
The Little Adventuress
Tenth Avenue
Yankee Doodle in Berlin
The Christian
The Fighting Eagle
The Wise Wife
Malec aéronaute
The Battle of the Sexes
Fig Leaves
Quand la chair succombe
Sal of Singapore
Down on the Farm
Other Women's Husbands
Bright Eyes
Love and Doughnuts
The Nervous Wreck
Hard Boiled
Trois sublimes canailles
So Big
Up in Mabel's Room
The Perfect Flapper
The Snob
The Sultan's Wife
The Office Scandal
The Midnight Express
The Fighting Coward
The Common Law
A Small Town Idol
Step Forward
Happy Times and Jolly Moments
New Brooms
The Cave Man
Singer Jim Mckee
The Foolish Virgin
Don Juan
It Pays to Exercise
After Business Hours
One Glorious Night
Why Beaches Are Popular
Lilies of the Field
Down Memory Lane
She Couldn't Say No