1875-09-16 "Indianapolis, Indiana, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Theodora Goes Wild
Madame et son cowboy
Soft Cushions
Jeux dangereux
Earthworm Tractors
No Place to Go
Dynamite Smith
Cadeau de mariage
Notre-Dame de Paris
I Dream Too Much
The House on 56th Street
Le vandale
The Night of Nights
The Emperor's Candlesticks
La Belle Ténébreuse
The Grand Parade
Si j'avais un million
The Ropin' Fool
Kindled Courage
L'Homme que j'ai tué
La Chair et le Diable
The Wrong Road
The Sin Ship
L'Appel de la forêt
Burning Up
Ambassador Bill
The Slim Princess
Head Over Heels
The Affairs of Cellini
Sailor's Holiday
Le destin se joue la nuit
Safety in Numbers
La faute de Madelon Claudet
Man Of The People
Sutter's Gold
Fatal Lady
Give Me Your Heart
Draegerman Courage
Storm at Daybreak
Le Fils de Frankenstein
Pacific Express
La Tour de Londres
The Spellbinder
Chicken Wagon Family
The Call of the Savage
Everything Happens at Night
She Loved a Fireman
Les Temps Modernes
Riley the Cop
Le Parachutiste
Paradise Express
Check and Double Check
A Blind Pig
Arabian Tights
Les Daltons arrivent
Le Retour de Frank James
The Red Mill
I Married a Doctor
Man Hunt
Fortunes rapides
The Arizonian
The Three Musketeers
The Florentine Dagger
La Chambre des sept pignons
Champagne Waltz
Are These Our Children?
Fashions in Love
Music for Madame
Citizen Kane
Two Alone
Open All Night
The Son of Davy Crockett
Napoleon's Barber
Lady Hamilton
La Morsure
A Night at the Ritz
I Stole a Million
The Texan
One Sunday Afternoon
La Madone des sandwiches
Vamping Venus
The Conquering Horde
Heaven Will Protect A Woiking Goil
Convoi vers la Russie
The Wild Party
Goldie Gets Along
The Jury's Secret
Le Roi des gueux
Joy of Living
Public Hero Number 1
L’Ennemi public
When a Man Loves
The Merry Frinks
The Concert
One Rainy Afternoon
A Boy of Flanders
An American Tragedy
Les mains d'Orlac
The Soul of Youth
Divot Diggers
Me and My Gal
La Piste des géants