1944-04-03 "Terre Haute, Indiana, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
La Folle Histoire du monde
Le Cercle noir
Halloween 2
Des Nerfs d'acier
Le Grand Frisson
The Day the Bubble Burst
Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours
La trahison se paie cash
A Brand New Life
Under the Boardwalk
Les Cordes de la Potence
Loose Change
Complot à Dallas
Deadly Game
The Violation of Sarah McDavid
The Unholy Rollers
Into the Sun
Panic in Echo Park
The Girl in the Empty Grave
Talking Walls
Promise Him Anything
The Kansas City Massacre
The Stranger
Missouri Breaks
The Round and Round
Black Sunday
Trapped Beneath the Sea