1965-10-11 "San Francisco, California, USA"
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WCW Starrcade '89: Future Shock
WCW Capital Combat: The Return of RoboCop
PWUSA Mayhem at The Meadowlands
The Best of the WWF: volume 10
The Best of the WWF: volume 13
WWF's Biggest, Smallest, Strangest, Strongest
Rowdy Roddy Piper's Greatest Hits
WWE Houston Wrestling: October '86
WWE Houston Wrestling: November '87
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: April '88
AWA StarCage
Body Slam
Bret Hart: The Dungeon Collection
WWE WrestleMania IV
WWE Royal Rumble 1988
NWA Clash of The Champions X: Texas Shootout
NWA Clash of The Champions XI: Coastal Crush
WWE Survivor Series 1987