1915-02-20 "Horsham, Sussex, England, UK"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Vous qui avez vingt ans
Back-Room Boy
La Fille des boucaniers
The Diamond Wizard
Bits of Our Aircraft are Missing
Tempête sur la colline
My Own True Love
Danger List
Desperate Moment
The Highwayman
The Betrayal
The Bells Go Down
Ceux qui servent en mer
Son of Robin Hood
Warn That Man
The Flemish Farm
Smuggler's Island
The Solitary Child
The Next of Kin
M. Smith Agent Secret
Old Bill and Son
Dangerous Moonlight
The Midas Touch
The Vulture
Spy Hunt
The Day Will Dawn
Sheepdog of the Hills
Great Day
Dick Turpin: Highwayman
Sword in the Desert
Cloak Without Dagger
The Young Mr. Pitt
The Fur Collar