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Smart House
Axegrinder 3
Zombie Chronicles: Infection Zone
Monster in the Garage
Micro-Budget Marauders: Micro-Budget Mentality
Abomination: The Evilmaker II
We Need Earth Women!
Scarecrow County
Crimson Heather
Odd Noggins
Things 666
Dark Zone Thirteen Part 2
Always Midnight
Beneath a Dead Moon
Lust of the Vampire Hookers
Ghost in a Teeny Bikini
Horrortales.666 Part 2
Blood Creek Woodsman
Things 5
Dark Zone THirteen
Twisted Fates
Topless Tori's Tomb of Terror
Moon Maidens
Odder Noggins
Strange Things Happen at the Weird House
A Knife in the Dark
Zombie Love Slave
The Seekers
Frames of Fear
Dimension of Blood
Vampirisa's Velvet Vault Of Horror!
Joel D.Wynkoop's The Wynkoop Tales
Trailer Park Double Wide Trilogy of Terror
Tales for the Midnight Hour II
The Girl in the Crawlspace
Baby Dolls Behind Bars
Bloody Red Lips of Blood
Deadly Culture: Final Mutation
Deadly Culture: Species X