1930-08-08 "Cardiff, Wales, UK"
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Talking Doctor Who
Then & Now
Doctor Who: Daleks - The Early Years
The Persuaders!
Death Becomes Me
K is for Killing
The Man in a Looking Glass
The Baron: Mystery Island
Doctor Who: Les Daleks en Couleur
Doctor Who: Mission to the Unknown
The Incredible Robert Baldick: Never Come Night
The House in Nightmare Park
And Soon the Darkness
Les Daleks envahissent la Terre
Dr. Who et les Daleks
What a Whopper
And the Same to You
Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Keys of Marinus
Doctor Who: Planet of the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks
Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plan
Doctor Who: The Chase
Doctor Who: The Daleks
Doctor Who: The Android Invasion
Friend from the Future
A Masterpiece of Murder
London Conspiracy
Doctor Who: Eve Of The Daleks