1908-04-25 "Guilford County, North Carolina, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The Movie Orgy
Edward R. Murrow - The Best Of Person To Person
Is Everybody Listening?
Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend
The Challenge of Ideas
Deconstructing Dad: The Music, Machines and Mystery of Raymond Scott
This Is England
Satchmo the Great
Harvest of Shame
Mike Wallace is here
Television: The First Fifty Years
Le Tour du monde en 80 jours
Thomas Hart Benton
Tennessee Williams: Orpheus of the American Stage
Coulez le Bismarck !
Survival Under Atomic Attack
Maria by Callas
Backstory: 'How Green Was My Valley'
The Soul of America
The Night America Trembled
Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes