1884-09-21 "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA"
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Rusty Leads the Way
Les Reines du music-hall
In the Sweet Pie and Pie
Honeymoon Bridge
The Sawmill
Pop Goes the Easel
La dernière rafale
Pardon My Nightshirt
3 Dumb Clucks
Le cabotin et son compère
Three Little Sew and Sews
From Nurse to Worse
Merry Mavericks
Knee Action
Musty Musketeers
Gypped in the Penthouse
The Peppery Salt
Share the Wealth
Mister Smarty
Pitchin' in the Kitchen
The Fly-Cop
Blunder Boys
Violent Is the Word for Curly
Flat Foot Stooges
You Nazty Spy!
Three Little Twirps
Back from the Front
A Gem of a Jam
The Suitor
Listen Lena
That's My Line
Beach Pajamas
Restless Knights
Whoops, I'm an Indian!
Idiots Deluxe
The Yoke's on Me
Idle Roomers
Love at First Bite
Payment Through the Nose
Dizzy Pilots
What's the Matador?
Les trois visages d'Eve
Oh Darling!
Scheming Schemers
Cinq Mariages à l'essai
Saved by the Belle
Westward Passage
Deux nigauds cow-boys
Laurel Et Hardy - En croisière
The Druggist's Dilemma
Blanches colombes et vilains messieurs
Une étoile est née
Kill the Umpire
The Hoodlum Saint
Three Little Pirates
Riders of the Whistling Pines
The Forest Rangers
All Gummed Up
Pies and Guys
The Barnyard
New News
The Heckler
Heroes in Blue
Sue My Lawyer
Breezing Along
Mopey Dope
The Shadow
Deux bons copains
Bachelor Daze
Zigoto Groom
The Good Bad Egg
Jeune Tom Edison
King of the Royal Mounted
Pick a Peck of Plumbers
A Hit with a Miss
Boobs in the Woods
Open Season for Saps
Western Knights
Lucky Night
Keep Smiling
Below the Deadline
The Draw-Back
Ants in the Pantry
High Sea Blues
The Better 'Ole
Thundering Taxis
Six filles cherchent un mari
Adventurous Knights
If a Body Meets a Body
Howling Hollywood
Eats for Two
Top Man
Hommes du monde
L'Ennemi public n°1
Laurel Et Hardy - Les As d'Oxford
Les fous du roi
The Stage Hand
The Fall Guy
The Show
The Bakery
All in Fun
Face au Châtiment
Lightning Love
Papa's Boy
Sailor Maid
Circumstantial Evidence