1885-10-27 "Topeka, Kansas, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Treize femmes
Un mauvais garçon
The Golden Strain
Man Power
High C's
Pour l'amour du ciel
Midnight Madness
Tom Sawyer, Detective
Finn and Hattie
A Holy Terror
Hold 'Em Yale
Close Harmony
The Marriage Clause
Assurance sur la mort
Shadow of the Law
Darkened Rooms
Too Much Harmony
The Canary Murder Case
Stolen Harmony
The Wizard
She Loves Me Not
Tueur à gages
Let's Go Native
Fortunes rapides
Nothing But the Truth
The Way of All Flesh
Rhythm on the Range
Madame Racketeer
The Fleet's In
Beau Sabreur
Night of Terror
Vive le sport !
Behind the Counter
By Whose Hand?
Cocktail Hour
Blonde Vénus