1884-01-06 "Brockton, Massachusetts, USA"
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The Overland Express
Le Dernier Round
The Vice Squad
One Night at Susie's
Wells Fargo
Ready, Willing and Able
I'll Give a Million
One More Spring
Rendezvous at Midnight
The Personality Kid
Scandal Sheet
Start Cheering
Devil's Playground
Monsieur Smith au Sénat
The Preview Murder Mystery
Le Dictateur
Vous ne l'emporterez pas avec vous
La Vie de Thomas Edison
Capitaines courageux
Rythmes d'amour
Diamond Jim
Don't Gamble with Love
Gun Smoke
A Night at the Ritz
Rich Man's Folly
Roaming Lady
Badge of Honor
If You Could Only Cook
L'Ennemi public n°1
Killer at Large
Empreintes digitales
She Married Her Boss
David Harum
The Frame-Up