1940-05-30 "Orange, New Jersey, USA"
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Dark Angel
The Sound of Murder
Wrestling with God
Love, Cheat & Steal
La Fureur sauvage
Meurtres au collège
Stop at Nothing
The Nativity
And I Alone Survived
The Children of Times Square
A Gun in the House
History's Mysteries: The Enduring Mysteries of Stonehenge
The Fear Inside
No Strings Attached
Les hommes de crises : L'histoire d'Harvey Wallinger
Breaking the Silence
Drôles de confidences
Picking Up the Pieces
La Révolte d'Attica
Noël dans la Montagne Magique
The Best Bar in America
When Your Lover Leaves
Dead On
Amityville: The Haunting
Amityville: Horror or Hoax
In Search of History: Salem Witch Trials
In Search of History - The Knights Templar
Circus Freaks and Sideshows
Story Theatre
Hell Hath No Fury
Cocaine: One Man's Seduction
Tom and Joann
The Sky's No Limit
Stark: Mirror Image
Mr. Ponzi and His Scheme