1934-01-30 "Brooklyn, New York, USA"
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Arthur Janov's Primal Therapy
Piano Destruction Concert: Dada con Mama
Couch Destruction: Angel Release
Cowboy and "Indian" Film
Henny Penny: The Sky Is Falling
The Kiss
What Is This
You Bust Your Bunns
Gonna Get Me a Gal
Dance Number 22
The Conversation
Beach Umbrella
Our Thoughts Are Made of Clay: The Horsewomyn of the Apocalypse
Here's Looking At You Kid
Introspective: Ortiz Art-Work Late 1950s - Late 1980s
Ritual Destruction of "Follow Through"
Piano Destruction Concert: Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall
Ring Ring Rag Time
Dance Number
Pushann Pushann