1944-02-14 "Washington, D.C., USA"
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Inside Deep Throat
Les U.S.A. contre John Lennon
Un vrai Américain : Joe McCarthy
The Hoy Boys
Pressure and the Press: The Making of 'All the President's Men'
Out of the Shadows: The Man Who Was Deep Throat
Woodward and Bernstein: Lighting the Fire
All the President's Men Revisited
Watergate: High Crimes in the White House
A la une du New York Times
Il était une fois... « Les trois jours du Condor »
Telling the Truth About Lies: The Making of "All the President's Men"
Harry Benson : Shoot First
Tous les gouvernements mentent
Dick Cavett's Watergate
The Newspaperman: The Life and Times of Ben Bradlee
Everything Is Copy
Scandalous: The Untold Story of the National Enquirer
Alan Pakula: Going for Truth
The Hunting of the President
The Final Days
Les Hommes du président