1946-09-18 "England, UK"
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Les Chariots de Feu
Les Misérables
The Waiting Time
Kill List
Diamond Skulls
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders
Promises & Betrayals: Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land
Who Bombed Birmingham?
Game of Thrones The IMAX Experience
A Touch of the Victorians
Stardust, le mystère de l'étoile
Auschwitz: The Forgotten Evidence
Quatre mariages et un enterrement
A Woman at War
La Grande Cuisine
La folie du roi George
Sherlock : La Marque du Diable
I Am Bob
The Marker
Une vie après l'homme
In Extremis
Hitler's SS: Portrait in Evil
Double vue
The Cannibal That Walked Free
The Lancaster at War
Come Home Charlie and Face Them
The World Cup: A Captain's Tale
The Lonely Man's Lover
The Floater
The World We Knew
Life After Death
L'Ami retrouvé
The Sweet Scent of Death
Just Love
Tutankhamun's Fireball