1908-12-01 "Saratoga Springs, New York, USA"
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The Barrier of Flames
The Dancer
My Baby's Voice
Dottie's New Doll
The Three Roses
The Repeater
Cross Your Heart
The Girl of the Cabaret
The Woman Pays
Mercy on a Crutch
A Modern Monte Cristo
Little Dorrit
The Spoiled Darling's Doll
The Fires of Youth
The Tiniest of Stars
Just a Shabby Doll
When the Studio Burned
A Dog's Love
In a Garden
When Love Was Blind
The Baby and the Boss
Their Great Big Beautiful Doll
The County's Prize Baby
The Forest Rose
The Stolen Triumph
A Rag, a Bone and a Hank of Hair
The Six-Cent Loaf
Baby Hands