1888-07-23 "Newark, New Jersey, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Le Dictateur
Theodora Goes Wild
Footlight Glamour
Three Loves Has Nancy
Le Tombeur
Amour frénétique
Mission périlleuse
Hard to Handle
Mary Stevens, M.D.
Sing and Like It
Laughing Boy
Ticket to Paradise
The Harvester
Boy Trouble
Meet the Missus
L'amour et la bête
Le Diable au corps
Troublez-moi ce soir
The Intruder
La Femme aux deux visages
Ma femme en feu
Music Is Magic
Dancing Feet
Hip Zip Hooray
Murder in the Blue Room
Back Street
Without Orders
Pacific Liner
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
M. Moto en péril
Mademoiselle Volcan
Charlie McCarthy, Detective
First Love
Espionage Agent
Spring Parade
She Married Her Boss
La Muraille d'or
The Big Moment
Sérénade à trois
All by Myself
Mary Burns, Fugitive
'Til We Meet Again
Dr. Christian Meets the Women
Remedy for Riches
Third Finger, Left Hand
Le Lys du ruisseau
Girl in 313
Le Mystère du château maudit
Wildcat Bus
En route pour Singapour
Le Couple invisible
Music for Madame
Outcast Lady
Echo Mountain
Yes, My Darling Daughter
Straight, Place and Show
New York Town
Sixième édition
Good-bye Love
High School
Bureau of Missing Persons
Slightly Dangerous
The Death Kiss
Beautiful But Broke
La Passagère
West Point Widow
True to Life
Romance in the Rain
A Night to Remember
Madame Spy
Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me!
Too Young to Kiss
Ne pariez pas sur les blondes