1887-01-16 "Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Le Faucon maltais
Rusty Leads the Way
I Killed That Man
One Exciting Week
Johnny Comes Flying Home
Alias the Champ
Mr. Wong, Detective
Ève a commencé
The Clyde Mystery
The Side Show Mystery
The Crane Poison Case
The Reformer and the Redhead
Circumstantial Evidence
The Madonna's Secret
Les Fantastiques Années 20
Blondie in the Dough
Million Dollar Pursuit
I Stole a Million
The Port of 40 Thieves
The Judge
Griffes jaunes
Le caïd
Escape from Crime
L'Homme de la rue
High Wall
M. Moto sur le ring
Always in My Heart
The Great Man's Lady
Sitting Bull
Full Confession
Le Premier Américain à Tokyo
The Girl Who Dared
A South Sea Bubble
The Ringer
The Studebaker Story
Over the Wall
Two-Fisted Gentleman
Phantom Killer
Chicago Confidential
Hunted Men
Tugboat Annie Sails Again
Standing Room Only
Borrowed Hero
The Man Who Cried Wolf
L'Engin fantastique
Murder Is News
Bad Guy
So This Is Love
Doctor Rhythm
Vous ne l'emporterez pas avec vous
Lady from Nowhere
Nine Lives Are Not Enough
The Studio Murder Mystery
Meet Miss Bobby Socks
I Stand Accused
The Rose Bowl Story
The Forgotten Woman
Strange Alibi
The Spirit of Culver
Never Wave at a WAC
City Story
Craig's Wife
Two in a Crowd
The Wall Street Mystery
The Trans-Atlantic Mystery
Too Many Winners
The Checkered Coat
Canadian Pacific
Angels Wash Their Faces
Old Hickory
Aerial Gunner
The McGurk Way
Secret Service of the Air
Up in Arms
Key Witness
Stronger Than Desire
Smashing the Money Ring
Girls on Probation
Keep 'Em Rolling
Devil's Island
Heads Up
Three Smart Girls Grow Up
Blind Alley
Rose of Washington Square
Intrigue à Damas
They Shall Have Music
Dr. Broadway
Vacances de Noël
Swanee River
Dust Be My Destiny
Espionage Agent
Trois jeunes filles à la page
You, the People
Missing Witnesses
Donovan's Brain
The Judge Steps Out
Crazy Knights
Dangerously Yours
Night Club Scandal
La Balle magique du Docteur Ehrlich
Brother Rat and a Baby
Military Academy with That Tenth Avenue Gang
La Porte d'or
Outcasts of the City
Stamp Day for Superman
Legion of Terror
The Devil On Wheels
Two Wise Maids
Forged Passport
Pioneer Marshal
Listen Judge
Johnny Apollo
Over My Dead Body
Les aveux d'un espion nazi
A Man Betrayed
The Phantom Rider
Northwest Trail
Voice of the Whistler
Le Maître de la prairie
This Is My Affair
La Fièvre du pétrole
L'Exubérante Smoky
L'appel des Ailes
Une femme dangereuse
Dame avec Red Hair
The Flag of Humanity
The Secret of the Whistler
The Golden Fleecing
News Hounds
The Pace That Thrills
Dangerous Nan McGrew
The Gallant Legion
Good Luck, Mr. Yates
The Wyoming Bandit
Badman's Gold
Davy Crockett, Indian Scout
The Missourians
Sheriff of Las Vegas
Marshal of Cedar Rock
Daredevils of the West
Bandits of Dark Canyon
Zorro et la femme au masque noir
Des hommes sont nés
Home on the Range
Raiders of the South
The James Brothers of Missouri
Desperadoes of Dodge City
The Gigolo Racket
Bandit King of Texas
Law of the Golden West
Sheriff of Wichita
Run for the Hills
Jack McCall, Desperado
La Charge fantastique
The Miami Story
The Skull Murder Mystery
The Week End Mystery
At the Villa Rose
The Burgomaster of Stilemonde
Pacific Blackout
I Was Framed
Tear Gas Squad
Annie La Reine Du Cirque
It Could Happen to You
Murder in the Air
L'Heure Supréme
Fifty Roads to Town
The Invisible Monster
Wife Wanted
The Bill of Rights
C'est arrivé dans la Cinquième Avenue
Walk a Crooked Mile
On Dress Parade
So's Your Uncle
Crazy House
Larceny with Music
Mission to Moscow
Torture Money
Flight from Destiny
Bunco Squad
Song of My Heart
Strange Bargain
The Silver Lining
The Three Kings
La Ville des sans-loi
Sucker List
The Naughty Nineties
She Had to Eat
On Stage Everybody
Mom and Dad
La Cible vivante
The Cole Case
Magnificent Doll
I'm from Arkansas
The Great Plane Robbery
Invisible Stripes
Murder in the Pullman
L'amour n'est pas un jeu
Criminals of the Air
Sensation Hunters
Iron Mountain Trail
Maisie Goes to Reno
The Brute Man
Bobby Ware Is Missing
Moby Dick
The Symphony Murder Mystery
Step by Step
C'étaient des hommes
Criminal Lawyer
Man of Conflict
The Gentleman from Nowhere
Stand Up and Cheer!