1861-11-25 "Staten Island, New York, USA"
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Charlot mitron
Charlot s'évade
Charlot garçon de café
Zip, the Dodger
Madame Charlot
Charlot et Mabel en promenade
Charlot et Mabel aux courses
Charlot garçon de théâtre
Charlot et Fatty font la bombe
Charlot papa
Jour de paye
Fatty's Finish
Fatty and the Heiress
Fatty Again
Fatty’s Plucky Pup
Lover's Luck
Fatty at San Diego
Rebecca's Wedding Day
Where Hazel Met the Villain
Her First Flame
A Movie Star
A Lover's Lost Control
Gussle's Day of Rest
A Submarine Pirate
Charlot aime la patronne
Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte
Fatty and Mabel’s Simple Life
Leading Lizzie Astray
That Little Band Of Gold
Charlot violoniste
Caught in a Park
Monkey Stuff
Le Pèlerin
The Chaplin Revue
Murphy's I.O.U.
Gussle's Wayward Path
Gussle Rivals Jonah
Fatty's Magic Pants
La Course au voleur
Fickle Fatty's Fall
The Rent Dodgers