1886-05-21 "Trotwood, Ohio, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Tom's Little Star
A Coat's Tale
A Deaf Burglar
He Died and He Didn't
Love and Salt Water
Her Last Chance
Hell's Hole
La Course au voleur
Won in a Closet
The Gay Lord Quex
The Desperate Hero
Bombs and Bangs
Passions, He Had Three
Peeping Pete
A Bandit
A Muddy Romance
Rastus and the Game Cock
A Quiet Little Wedding
His Sister's Kids
In the Clutches of the Gang
Charlot danseur
Charlot entre le bar et l'amour
The Chicken Chaser
Bangville Police
A Fishy Affair
The Great Toe Mystery
Shot in the Excitement
Charlot et Fatty dans le ring
Charlot aime la patronne
Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte
The Stolen Booking
Picture Pirates
The Gusher
A Blind Pig
The World's Champion
Doctoring a Leak
Poultry à la Mode
The Belles of Liberty
His Chum the Baron
A Gambling Rube
Someone in the House