1935-08-29 "Chicago, Illinois, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Raising Hell: Filming the Exorcist
The Masterpiece That Almost Wasn't
Tatort Oper - Wie Filmemacher Oper machen
Shadows in the Dark: The Val Lewton Legacy
Pure Cinema: Through the Eyes of Hitchcock
Breaking Barriers: The Sound of Hitchcock
L'Exorciste : tournage d'un film maudit
A Little Solitaire
Miller's Tale
Fear and Love: The Story of The Exorcist
Anatomy of a Chase
Great Bolshy Yarblockos!: Making 'A Clockwork Orange'
Tales from the Warner Bros. Lot
The Exorcist Locations: Georgetown Then and Now
Conversation with Fritz Lang
The Making of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Filming “The Hunted”
Pursuing “The Hunted”
The Cutting Edge
Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Thrilling Art of Alfred Hitchcock
The Exorcist Untold
Casablanca: An Unlikely Classic
Making the Connection: Untold Stories of The French Connection
The Visions of Stanley Kubrick
View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'
Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles
Stanley Kubrick in Focus
Peter Lorre : Derrière le masque du maudit
Fear in the Dark
The Master's Touch : Hitchcock's Signature Style
North by Northwest : One for the Ages
A Fuller Life
Une décennie sous influence
The History of 'Cruising'
Exorcising 'Cruising'
In the Master's Shadow : Hitchcock's Legacy
Making the Boys
Billy Wilder: The Human Comedy
The Devil and Father Amorth
Michael Curtiz: The Greatest Director You Never Heard Of
Counterfeit World: Making 'To Live and Die in L.A.'
Friedkin Uncut : William Friedkin, cinéaste sans filtre
Putting it Together: The Making of the Broadway Album
Vision of a Future Passed: The Prophecy of 2001
Victor Fleming: Master Craftsman
SORCERERS: Une conversation entre William Friedkin et Nicolas Winding Refn
L’Exorciste selon William Friedkin
Henri Langlois vu par...
Godard Made in USA
Fellini des esprits
Howard Hawks: American Artist
Hollywood Halloween
Return to the Genre
The Man Who Shot Chinatown: The Life and Work of John A. Alonzo
Don't Say No Until I Finish Talking: The Story of Richard D. Zanuck
Hitchcock : la face cachée du maître du suspense
The Poughkeepsie Shuffle: Tracing 'The French Connection'
Shadows of Suspense
The Lost Print: The Making of Orson Welles’ The Magnificent Ambersons
French Connection
L'Enfer du devoir
Le Coup du siècle
Têtes vides cherchent coffre plein
La Nurse
Douze hommes en colère
Police Fédérale - Los Angeles
Les Garçons de la bande
Cruising : La Chasse
La Nuit de Minsky Ils ont pillé
Le Convoi de la peur
Killer Joe
Blue Chips
The People vs. Paul Crump
Le sang du châtiment
Good Times
Vilaines filles et mauvais garçon
C.A.T. Squad: Python Wolf
The Pickle Brothers
L'affaire de la mutinerie du Caine
C.A.T. Squad
Verdi Aida
Pro Football: Mayhem on a Sunday Afternoon
The Bold Men
The Painter's Voice
Self Control
The Thin Blue Line