1891-09-15 " Hollywood, California, USA"
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Dynamite Allen
Those Country Kids
Motorboat Mamas
The Bees' Buzz
Hayfoot, Strawfoot?
The Soapsuds Lady
Peaches and Plumbers
Flirty Four-Flushers
A Small Town Princess
The Jolly Jilter
For Sale, a Bungalow
Fatty and Minnie He-Haw
Fickle Fatty's Fall
A Sweet Pickle
Movie Mania
Smith's Pony
His Bitter Pill
Ice Cold Cocos
Crazy to Act
Smith's Uncle
The Rodeo
The Pride of Pikeville
Whispering Whiskers
Mother's Boy
Pour gagner sa vie
Charlot marquis
Charlot et Fatty dans le ring
Fatty at San Diego
Fatty and Mabel’s Simple Life
Mabel's Dramatic Career
L'Étrange aventure de Mabel
Charlot aime la patronne
Madame Charlot
A Hash House Fraud
A Submarine Pirate
Charlot papa
Charlot grande coquette
Charlot déménageur
A One Night Stand
Fatty Joins the Force
That Little Band Of Gold
All Wet
The Speed Kings
Charlot rival d'amour
Leading Lizzie Astray
Charlot nudiste
A Quiet Little Wedding
Charlot et Mabel aux courses
Charlot fait du cinéma
Charlot entre le bar et l'amour
Charlot et Fatty font la bombe
Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte
Stuck Up
He Would a Hunting Go
Rebecca's Wedding Day
Charlot danseur
Charlot garçon de café
Ambrose's First Falsehood
Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers
Fatty's New Role
Mabel’s Wilful Way
Love, Speed and Thrills
Wished on Mabel
Smith's Baby
Smith's Landlord
Ten Dollars or Ten Days
Hogan Out West
Smith's Fishing Trip
Give Us This Night
Smith's Army Life
The Campus Carmen
The Flirt
Move On
Rainbow Island
The Tip