1937-04-20 "Los Angeles, California, USA"
Biographie - George Takei est un acteur américain d'origine japonaise né le 20 avril 1937 à Los Angeles. Il est notamment connu pour avoir interprété Hikaru Sulu dans la série originale Star Trek.
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Star Trek, le film
Star Trek II : La colère de Khan
Star Trek III : À la recherche de Spock
Star Trek IV : Retour sur terre
Star Trek VI : Terre inconnue
Star Trek V : L'ultime frontière
Les Bérets verts
Mulan 2 (la mission de l'Empereur)
New World Order
The Keepers of the 5 Kingdoms
Ultimate Fight
Patrouilleur 109
Hell to Eternity
Rien ne sert de courir
Scooby-Doo ! et le sabre du Samouraï
Les aventuriers
Patient 14
Roddenberry on Patrol
These Amazing Shadows
Oblivion 2: Backlash
Ninja cheerleaders
Blood Oath
Bruce Lee, la malédiction du dragon
Josie's Castle
Bug Buster
Retour de la rivière Kwaï
Il n'est jamais trop tard
Who’s on Top?
To the Journey : Looking Back at Star Trek : Voyager
Strange Frame
DC 9/11: Time of Crisis
Drôles de dindes
Toyo's Camera
You Don't Know Jack: The Jack Soo Story
Live by the Fist
To Be Takei
Soul of a Nation Presents: Together As One: Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage
One Fighting Irishman: Wayne M. Collins and the Tule Lake Segregation Center
Holograms All the Way Down
The Missing Scarf
Kissinger and Nixon
King Kong contre Godzilla
Bonta 3D
Who's Who
Eat With Me
Ligne rouge 7000
An American Dream
Mister Showman
La Proie des vautours
Ya, ya, mon général!
Space Milkshake
Bring Back... Star Trek
Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner
Yamasong: March of the Hollows
Cool Cat's Crazy Dream
Roddenberry's Trek
Who Gets the House?
The Best Bad Thing
Message From Hiroshima
Boulevard! A Hollywood Story
Do I Sound Gay?
The Making of Star Trek Deep Space Nine Trials And Tribble-ations
Kubo et l'armure magique
William Shatner's Star Trek Memories
For the Love of Spock
How William Shatner Changed The World
Tab Hunter Confidential
The Star Trek Dream
Samouraï Academy
Ava & Lala
William Shatner: Captain's Log
True Justice - Ombres Chinoises
Moving Memories
Star Trek : A Captain's Log
Batman Beyond: The Movie
Kiss 'N' Tell: Romance in the 23rd Century
Birth of a Timeless Legacy
Star Trek : Beyond the Final Frontier
And Then They Came for Us
Star Trek : 25th Anniversary Special
40 Years of Star Trek
Gigantis, the Fire Monster
The Year of the Dragon
The Gettysburg Address
Backyard Blockbusters
Jerry la grande gueule
Rien que pour vos cheveux
The Star Trek Saga : From One Generation To The Next
Star Trek : Inside the Roddenberry Vault
Aliens Stole My Body
Annul Victory
Yorktown: A Time to Heal
The Soul of America
Have I Got a Christmas for You
Woman in Motion
Futurama - Prenez garde au seigneur des robots !
The Pool Boys
Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee
The Magic Pearl
Coroner to the Stars
The Untold Story of Ralph Carr and the Japanese: The Fate of 3 Japanese-Americans and the Internment
Star Trek: The Menagerie
Rodan! The Flying Monster!