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We Are the Palestinian People (Newsreel #65)
Resist with Noam Chomsky (Newsreel #1)
Mill-In (Newsreel #6)
Up Against the Wall, Ms. America (Newsreel #22)
Boston Draft Resistance Group (Newsreel #7)
She Is Beautiful When She's Angry (Newsreel #48)
Army (Newsreel #36)
Wreck of the New York Subways (Newsreel #47)
Four Americans (Newsreel #3)
Jeannette Rankin Brigade (Newsreel #4)
Garbage Demonstration (Newsreel #5)
Resist and the New England Resistance (Newsreel #8)
Riot-Control Weapons (Newsreel #9)
I.S. 201 and Report from Newark (Newsreel #10)
6th Street Meat Club (Newsreel #11)
Chicago (Newsreel #12)
Columbia Revolt (Newsreel #14)
Rompiendo Puertas (Newsreel #62)
Pig Power (Newsreel #23)
High School Rising (Newsreel #38)
People's Park (Newsreel #33)
America (Newsreel)
Herman B. Ferguson, Candidate for U.S. Senate (Newsreel #15)
Catonsville Nine (Newsreel #18)
Berkeley Rebellion (Newsreel #20)
Community Control (Newsreel #24)
The Case Against Lincoln Center (Newsreel #17)
Lincoln Hospital (Newsreel #35)