1928-02-08 "Los Angeles, California, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
The Movie Orgy
The True Adventures of Raoul Walsh
Flame of Youth
Trial Without Jury
Alerte aux garde-côtes
Six filles cherchent un mari
Montgomery Clift: The Hidden Star
Superman Returns
Kid Monk Baroni
Johnny Trouble
Stamp Day for Superman
The Young Swingers
Battle Zone
A Wonderful Life
Redwood Forest Trail
Les géants du ciel
Three Sailors and a Girl
Star of Texas
Superman's 50th Anniversary: A Celebration of the Man of Steel
Hitchcock's Confession: A Look at I Confess
James Dean: The First American Teenager
L'incroyable histoire de Superman
The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent
The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy
Making Montgomery Clift
Montgomery Clift
The Baby Maker
Les feux de la nuit
Mike's Murder