1934-06-16 "Clapton, London, England, UK"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Retour à Cold Mountain
Farewell Doc Martin
Demande à la poussière
Jack et Sarah
Gosford Park
Le temps d'un été
Vanity Fair : La Foire aux vanités
Cold Comfort Farm
Mon combat
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
Sons and Lovers
Evil baby - The devil within her
The Dresser
The Mind and Times of Virginia Woolf
Petits meurtres à l'Anglaise
The Big Man Coughed and Died
L'âge de vivre
Last Chance for Love
Amour & Conséquences
A Hazard of Hearts
Oliver Twist
The Lost Language of Cranes
David Copperfield
Women Talking Dirty
The Scapegoat
The Lady From the Sea
Magic in the Moonlight
Inadmissible Evidence
She Fell Among Thieves
A Better Class of Person
Psychoville Halloween Special
Madame Bovary
L'École de tous les talents
Robin des Bois
The Maitlands
Scandaleusement vôtre
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Lady's Not for Burning
Egy hét Pesten és Budán
Sublimes Créatures
Double Bill
Ce dont rêvent les filles
Talking Heads 2
Titus Andronicus
La Fiesta del Chivo
The Queen of Sheba's Pearls
The Square
Bertie and Elizabeth
Siân Phillips at 90
Tales from the Madhouse
Carnage: Swallowing the Past
A Room of One's Own
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-A Healing Heart
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-The Scandal
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-Family Secret
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-The Reunion
Paddington 2
The Vision
The Hours
Nelly's Version
Petites anecdotes entre stars
The Duchess of Malfi
The Three Sisters
Mountain Language
Roman Holiday
The Making of 'Gosford Park'
The Burston Rebellion
The Lives of Animals
The Sleeper
Nothing's Ever Over
Mrs. Dalloway
Vita et Virginia