1886-10-16 "Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Étranges Vacances
Jeunesse perdue
Le Corps céleste
Le Château du dragon
Amour Poste Restante
L'Homme de la rue
Les Révoltés du Bounty
Vous ne l'emporterez pas avec vous
The Reformer and the Redhead
Le Monstre de Londres
La Porte du diable
L'oiseau bleu
Le cottage enchanté
Lily Mars Vedette
Le Diable s'en mêle
La Charge de la brigade légère
Once Upon a Dream: The Making of Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty'
Les Quatre Filles du docteur March
Et La Parole Fut…
Le ciel peut attendre
Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime
Ne mangez pas les marguerites
Duel de femmes
B.F.'s Daughter
Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer
It Had to Be You
La Folle Histoire de Roxie Hart
The Big Wheel
L'étranger dans la cité
Qui perd gagne
Impétueuse Jeunesse
L'aventure de minuit
Salty O'Rourke
The Jones Family in Hollywood
A Family Affair
The Rocket Man
No Room for the Groom
Partenaires chanceux
Living in a Big Way
Orchids to You
The Voice of Bugle Ann
Penrod and Sam
My Brother Talks to Horses
Big Business
Broadway Hostess
Little Mister Jim
Stage Struck
Mon Amour est Revenu
Penrod and His Twin Brother
A Letter for Evie
The Affairs of Martha
Way Down East
Love on a Budget
Thrill of a Romance
Palm Springs
Going Hollywood: The '30s
A Child Is Born
A Trip to Paris
Au temps des tulipes
Please Believe Me
Land of Liberty
Meet Me on Broadway
Theodora Goes Wild
Too Busy to Work
Faithful in My Fashion
Arkansas Judge
Quick Millions
According to Mrs. Hoyle
Chicken Wagon Family
Barbara Stanwyck: Straight Down The Line
The Skipper Surprised His Wife
On Their Own
Hotel Haywire
Every Saturday Night
Educating Father
The War Against Mrs. Hadley
Everybody's Baby
Love Me Forever
Captain Eddie
Angels in the Outfield
The Girl on the Front Page
Young as You Feel
La lumière verte
Les Flibustiers
Reward Unlimited
The Great Impersonation
Back to Nature
Hot Water
Borrowing Trouble
Down on the Farm
Safety in Numbers
Off to the Races
Because You're Mine