1916-08-24 "Petoskey, Michigan, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Scooby-Doo's Creepiest Capers
Scooby-Doo's Original Mysteries
Davey and Goliath: Halloween Who-Dun-It
La Grande Course autour du monde
Sacrée journée pour Bourriquet
Winnie the Pooh: Frankenpooh
Winnie l'Ourson - Drôle de fantôme
The Incredible, Indelible, Magical, Physical, Mystery Tour
Les Pierrafeu sauvent Noël
Here Comes Garfield
Les Trois Stooges contre Hercule
Once Upon a Girl
The Miracle of the White Reindeer
Le Noël de Mickey
Les Minipouss, leur Véritable Histoire
Garfield et ses amis
Garfield in the Rough
Garfield In Paradise
Le Père Noël et les trois ours
Cap'n O.G. Readmore's Jack and the Beanstalk
Cap'n O.G. Readmore Meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Cap'n O.G. Readmore Meets Red Riding Hood
Cap'n O.G Readmore's Puss in Boots
Cap'n O. G. Readmore Meets Chicken Little
Buffalo Rider
Halloween c'est la nuit du Grinch
No Man's Valley
Un lion superbe
Morris Has a Cold
The Being On Time Game
Demain est un autre jour
Santa Fe Passage
The Great Bear Scare
Les Aventures de Winnie l'ourson
Les voyages de Gulliver
Noël à Moscou
Les Aventures de Yogi le nounours
The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't
The Little Rascals' Christmas Special
Horse Shoo
The Making of Mickey's Christmas Carol
The Treasure of the Golden Suns
The Whiz Kid and the Carnival Caper
Once Upon a Girl...
A Very Retail Christmas
Le Livre de la jungle
Winnie l'ourson dans le vent
Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp
Le Fantôme et M. Chicken
A Christmas Story
Too Smart for Strangers
Frog and Toad Together
Frog and Toad Are Friends
The Town Santa Forgot
La Belle et la Bête
Les Fluppy Dogs
Le Petit Âne de Bethléem
Shinbone Alley
Winnie l'Ourson et l'Arbre à Miel
Scooby-Doo! et les Robots
The New 3 Stooges: Mummies Boys
La Garçonnière
Fitness and Me: Why Exercise?
Transylvania Mania
Le Ball and Chain Gang
The Bongo Punch
Les Aventures du lapin américain
Hot Car Girl
Dog Gone People
Le Premier Noel De Yogi
The Hazing
Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You?
Winnie the Pooh Playtime: Cowboy Pooh
Bad Cat
Runaway Ralph
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Return to Mayberry
Christmas Flintstone
The Blinkins: The Bear and the Blizzard
Yogi l'ours et le grand gala de noël
The Hoober-Bloob Highway
Strong Kids, Safe Kids
Disney's Haunted Halloween
La Cane aux œufs d'or
The Couch
Pooh's Great School Bus Adventure
How to Catch a Cold
The Boy Who Stole the Elephant
You for Me
Winnie l'ourson : Joyeux Noël
Confusion tragique
Casper's Halloween Special
Fievel et le nouveau monde
Count Down Clown
Another Nice Mess
The Adventures of Robin Hoodnik
Happy Go Loopy
Le Premier Noël de Casper
Cabbage Patch Kids: First Christmas
Two Faced Wolf
Puff the Magic Dragon: The Incredible Mr. Nobody
Winnie the Pooh Discovers the Seasons
Miss Switch to the Rescue
Dear Heart
Le Monde Magique De Winnie l'Ourson - Volume 4 - Un jour de découverte
Honky Tonk
Getting Away from It All
The High Cost of Loving
The Night Before Christmas
Christmas Lost and Found
The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton
Donald's Fire Survival Plan (Revised)
Disney's Wonderful World of Winter
Quand les méchants sont des stars chez Disney