1959-12-13 "Roanoke, Virginia, USA"
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AWA/NWA Night of Champions II
WWF SuperTape
WWE Demolition
WWE World Tour
WWE WrestleMania VI
WWE Survivor Series 1990
Pro Wrestling USA Star Wars: December 1984
AWA Super Clash
The Best of the WWF: volume 17
Mid-South Wrestling Giants, Midgets, Heroes & Villains vol. 1
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: April '89
WWE SummerSlam Fever
WWE Houston Wrestling: October '87
WWE Los Angeles Wrestling: August '88
WWE Los Angeles Wrestling: December '88
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: July '88
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: November '87
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: September '88
NWA The Final Conflict
WWE Royal Rumble 1988
WWE WrestleMania IV
WWE WrestleFest
WWE Survivor Series 1988
WWE SummerSlam 1988
AWA Wrestling For a Cure
WWE The Ultimate Challenge Special: The March to WrestleMania VI
AWA Blood on the Sand
AWA The Brawl in St. Paul
AWA SuperClash II
WWE Survivor Series 1987
WCCW Thanksgiving Star Wars '83