1877-10-04 "Del Norte, Colorado, USA"
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Bab's Diary
Bill's Sweetheart
Edison's Frankenstein
In A Japanese Tea Garden
The Rainbow Princess
A Christmas Carol
Hulda of Holland
A Good Little Devil
Snow White
A Modern Cinderella
The Lie
The Trainer’s Daughter, or A Race for Love
A Little Girl Who Did Not Believe in Santa Claus
A Suburbanite's Ingenious Alarm
Cupid’s Pranks
Fireside Reminiscences
The Old Monk's Tale
The Prince and the Pauper
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
A Daughter of the Mines
Sauvé du nid d'un aigle
The Rivals
Tale the Autumn Leaves Told
College Chums
The Relief of Lucknow
The Mysterious Miss Terry
Hansel and Gretel
Rich Man, Poor Man
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Broadway Broke
The Song That Reached His Heart
A Lady of Quality
Bab's Burglar
The Lost Paradise
Marta of the Lowlands
The Ransom of Red Chief
A Romance of the Cliff Dwellers
Four Feathers
Leah Kleschna
Copper Mines at Bingham, Utah
An Unselfish Love
The Life of a Salmon
Dances of the Ages
In the Bishop's Carriage
When Men Desire
Jack and the Beanstalk
Laughing Gas
The Phantom Honeymoon
The Lord and the Peasant
Chelsea 7750
Silks and Satins
The Death Dance
Who Gets the Order
Michael Strogoff
An American Citizen
Between Two Fires
A Chase Across the Continent
Who Are My Parents?
The Harvest Moon
Miss George Washington
The Dancer and the King