1901-10-26 "New York City, New York, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Le Danseur du dessus
L'Entreprenant Monsieur Petrov
La Joyeuse Divorcée
En suivant la flotte
L'amour chante et danse
Here Come the Waves
Buck Benny Rides Again
Melody Cruise
Cockeyed Cavaliers
La Rebelle
Hips, Hips, Hooray!
Les anges de miséricorde
The Iceman's Ball
A Lady Lion
Love Thy Neighbor
Hello Sailor
The Gay Nighties
A Slip at the Switch
So This Is Harris!
Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men
Man About Town
I Love a Soldier
The Talk of Hollywood
Moonlight and Monkey Business
Hold 'Em Jail
The Druggist's Dilemma
General Ginsberg
Sightseeing in New York
The Movie Hound
Sword Points
Jerry the Giant
Monty of the Mounted
False Roomers
Jitters the Butler
Napoleon, Jr.
A Midsummer Night's Steam