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John Henry Balch: Congressional Medal of Honor
Samuel Wilder King: Fighting for Statehood
Major Raoul Lufbery: Fighter Ace
Nurse Helen Fairchild: Killed in Action?
Noble Sissle's Syncopated Ragtime
Cpl. Richard Carlson: A Brother's Loss
Leo Patrick McArdle: Veterans Helping Veterans
Noble Sissle Jr.: Am I Still Going to Vietnam?
PFC Benjamin Tollefson: A Mom's Loss
Brevet Major Pauline Cushman-Fryer: Civil War Spy
Ionosphere: Dr. Eliana Nossa
Near Earth Asteroids: Dr. Anne Virkki
Solar Weather: Alessandra Pacini
Fighting Fred Funston
Pride of the Buffalo Soldier
The American War
The War to End all Wars: And its American Veterans