1912-02-13 "Westminster, London, England, UK"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Idol of Paris
La Vie future
Traqué par Scotland Yard
Le mannequin défiguré
Atlantic Ferry
A Woman Possessed
l'homme fatal
Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel
Quiet Wedding
The Man from Morocco
The Scamp
Dirty Work
Paying Guests (Part 2)
Paying Guests (Part 1)
Where's Charley?
Action for Slander
Calling Paul Temple
la Nouvelles Fille
An Honourable Murder
The Story of Shirley Yorke
Adventure Story
The Last Man to Hang
Peg of Old Drury
The Conquest of the Air
The Woman He Loved
The First Gentleman
Murder Rap
Sabotage at Sea
Mrs. Fitzherbert
Changing Step
The Private Life of Don Juan